Rhodes Park Library

We strive to ensure that library users are served with courtesy and dignity. Rhodes Park library is one of the busiest library in the Region. The library provides Library and Information services through the promotion and development of a culture of reading. We have ongoing programs offered to our patrons. The library holds Abet classes which are well attended and successful. Other programs are story schemish, battle of the book, adult book club, and story reading. The library has a good collection of non-fictional and fictional books. Children and toddlers are catered for with a variety of books for beginners as we prioritise early childhood development. Our library hosts Story Time on Wednesday afternoons at 15:00. During public holidays, we host special holiday programmes in order to engage with the community.


  1. Good Day, I was at the library today and forgot my IPhone charger. It’s a white charger. I will be there on Monday afternoon to collect it. Kindly keep it safe for me. Thank you

    1. Dear Gloricia
      The librarian in charge said he will check on Monday, but please note that when you use the charging port, the library staff is not responsible for chargers left on the ports or forgotten. So we cannot guarantee that they will find it .
      Please enquire with the library on Monday

      Elearning office

    2. Dear Gloricia
      The librarian in charge has confirmed that they found the charger and will keep it safe and you can collect it when the library is open

      Elearning office

  2. Good day

    I am a student and looking to use the wifi at the library , can i spend the whole day there studying for an exam

    1. Dear Christon
      Yes, as long as the Wifi is working, you can spend the whole day at the library whole it is open.

      Good luck with your studies
      Elearning office

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