Murray Park Library

Murray Park Library is in Murry Park situated next to Fairview Fire Station. Library is in partnership with Nalibali runs 13 book clubs 12 of them in John Mitchell Primary and one in the library. Our programmes are educational and social issues awareness to our kids and adults. We have a homework help desk which is one of the programs we do with all learners that need help. Our holiday programs are held every term when schools closes. We have a partnership with Sci-Bono, Johannesburg zoo and SANCA that we work with during our programs. The library runs a soul buddies club and is a club that grooms kids on their social issues. Murray Park is servicing eight ECD centres and one old age home in the area SERD helps us by delivering books to ECD centre every month for the ECD to use and change every month.


  1. Please don’t leave it closed and empty for years without explanation like you did to the Johannesburg Library. The people actually use these services you’re shuttering!

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