Meadowlands Library

Meadowlands Library has a collection of programmes aimed at early Childhood development (storytelling and educational games), Youth empowerment, promoting reading and writing to the local communities of Meadowlands. Most of our library patrons are between the ages of 5-35. It is situated inside Meadowlands shopping centre and so patrons get the chance to enjoy the library and do shopping after. Our library mostly caters for people from Meadowlands, Dobsinville, Orlando and White City. The library has a specialised proudly African Display Corner that is aimed at promoting Pan-Africanism. The objective here is to teach people about the effects of xenophobia and to treat other Africans better.


  1. My name is Cebile Biyela
    I’m doing Hc in Archives and records management .I’m looking liabray job or to volunteer .Thank you

    1. Dear Cebile
      Congratulations on your progress with your Archival LIS studies. Unfortunately the engagement of volunteers in libraries is no longer accepted within the Municipality due to labor relations issues. For volunteering, you can try smaller municipalities or universities perhaps.
      To search for jobs within our municipality you must visit our page and click on” work for Joburg” and search for permanent job opportunities there. Our Libraries do not advertise posts separately, but we advertise on the same Joburg job page mentioned above.

      Good luck
      Your Elearning Librarian

      Good luck
      Your elearning librarian

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