by Gabriel Mashabela – Senior Librarian Noordgesig Library
The month of January, every year is regarded as a Back-to-School month in South Africa. This is the time when all learners of all grades, from grade R to Grade 12 across the country are gearing up for a new academic year. They all prepare to start a new school year. The back-to-school campaign serves to encourage learners to return to school; while supporting those who will be attending school for the first time.
For those who will be returning to further their education, the campaign serves to encourage them to dedicate, work hard, recommit themselves and preserve to reach the ultimate common goal, which in most cases is to “do well and progress to the next grade”!!
During this time of the year, learners will require support from their communities, parents, families, churches, NGOs, and other community structures.
COJ Libraries are “hubs of education; giving Joburg residents access to books”. Therefore, CoJ libraries are part and parcel of the community institutions concerned about the educational well-being of the class of 2023. As a result, COJ Libraries provides services that are aimed at assisting learners to complete their academic activities and achieve their ultimate academic goals. To assist and support learners in their academic activities and endeavors; libraries offer free and safe library services such as:
- Lending services,
- Educational support,
- Reference and research services
- Study space.
- Free wifi
In addition, COJ libraries provide free and guided access to knowledge and information to assist users of all ages to satisfy their information needs, including educational, recreational, developmental, and lifelong learning needs.
The class of 2023 should make the library their partner. Learners must familiarize themselves with library services and make libraries their partners in fulfilling their set academic goals. The class of 2023 is reminded that city libraries offer Free library membership; which allows them to borrow books to read and study at home. In addition, the membership card allows them to borrow and read digital books 24/7. Through COJ libraries elearning services such as our website and physical branches, reading and learning can take place at the learners’ fingertips, 24/7, anywhere, at any time.
So to the class of 2023 always know and remember that “Education is the key to success”. Until then, cheers and good luck.
Please check our Facebook Joburg Libraries page for educational videos for your schooling needs.