Noordgesig Library

Noordgesig Library is the heart and soul of the community. There are more formal opportunities too, such as joining a friend of the library group or becoming a library trustee.Our library in addition to connecting people to information we connect people to people.The Library collection is arranged according to sections. We have Adult, Junior and Children sections. Each section has its core material. The children section consists of children’s books categorised as pictures toddlers, read ouloud, life expirinces, begginers and easy facts. Adult section consisting of other reference, non-fiction and fiction for South Africans and African writers. Junior section collection consists of junior reference, junior non-fiction, junior fiction, young adult fiction and non-fiction. The library has 12 e-World computers which is the public access to intenet and free Wi-Fi. We have tape machines and books on tapes for the blind public of Noordgesig. Members who are unable to go to Noordgesig, the branch librarian make means for them to get it.

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