Diepkloof Zone 1 Library

Diepkloof Zone 1 Library has a good relationship with local schools and 7 ECD centres nearby that we partner with in activities such as Battle of the Books and Story Skirmish in order to facilitate early childhood development and continuous support. The programmes are designed to promote literacy and importance of a library to the young ones. The library provides information literacy to train library users on how to look for accurate information in the library and on the internet. Our library also provides homework assistance and career guidance. E-books and audio books can be accessed by registered members of the library and users who are registered on Overdrive.


  1. Morning everyone. I was not pleased, or I was unhappy today when i went to Diepkloof zone 1 Library. The welcoming by the officer on the gate was not well.A lady officer did not welcome me okay because the was an argument of opening time. I arrive early on the library and my time was 09h05.By asking what time they open it was a mistake, as the Lady officer it did not go well with her. The was exchange of words between me and her and she proceeded talking lot of things even if she the gate was open. Went back to her after signing to talk to her and I ask her name she refuse because she said I will report her. I my exchange of words I did say that” I will report her because I said to her you did not know who come her to the library you need to handle people properly ” and she reply by saying in isiZulu you think you will be InCharge everywhere, go and report me. I went in and seat down .I proceeded with my studying because I felt that they will not call her for her actions. The date is 25/10/2023.This occurs in Zone 1 Library.

    1. Dear Charlotte
      Thank you for reaching out and we apologize for your negative experience. We will forward your enquiry to the Region D Libraries Management and they will investigate the incident.

      Kind regards
      Your elearning Librarian

      1. Dear Ms Charlotte
        With regards to your experience, our investigation informs us that during your arrival, the library was not yet opened, even if it’s one minute to 9am. So there is a possibility that your watch displayed a different time, maybe with a few minutes after nine, but our security officials, are following the time that is set. Surely a few more minutes of waiting for them to open, wouldn’t hurt.
        As much as it was frustrating to you, we do believe that a harmonious relationship between the community and public servants involves understanding, patience, tolerance, and communication. Some of our rules might not be favorable to some members of the public, but the intention is to try and maintain decency and professionalism. Sometimes this misunderstanding can lead to emotions going high and unkind words spoken, and that certainly should not happen from both sides.
        Let us move forward as a community and be more tolerant of rules, and we will also ensure that our staff continue to implement rules with kindness and decent communication.

        Kind regards
        Your ELearning Librarian

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