The first Mobi-Readathon takes flight!

by Gwyneth Perry : Senior Librarian Weltevreden Library   The City of Johannesburg Library collaborated with the Eldorado Park-based NGO, PUSH (Persevere until something happens) in the first Mobi-Readathon presented by the City. Two stories were published on the FUNZA APP and children from various high schools, who are patrons of the PUSH NGO were… Continue reading The first Mobi-Readathon takes flight!

Joburg Libraries use IoT (Internet-of-Things) to encourage reading culture.

by Gabriel Mashabela : Senior Librarian Noordegig Library     “Libraries have the reputation of always being at the forefront when it comes to adopting and using new technologies (Bansal, Arora & Suri; 2018)”. This indicates that libraries have always strived to adopt new technologies to improve library services and users’ experiences. The adoption of… Continue reading Joburg Libraries use IoT (Internet-of-Things) to encourage reading culture.

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